The Skinny On FAD Diets

Posted by Weddings Dresses Ideas

You lost 2 stone in one month... Gimme a break your not even the same person.

I’ve had it. I’m fed up of fad diets. Not that i’ve tried any, I don’t buy into them but my facebook feed is constantly clogged with promoted posts with preposterous claims on how to loose 2 stone in 10 days and the likes. These ads claiming to loose you 10 pounds in 10 days, get rid of belly fat with these two secrets that won’t make you change your life but will change your waist line etc come with a buy now and receive a 25% discount, free shipping or an extra add on book and are simply ludicrous! I find it immoral that these scam artists are feeding off the overweight and obese sufferers in our society desperately seeking a quick fix to their growing problem. I must admit though that there is also a small cynical part of me that thinks that if they are stupid enough to buy into the idiocracy of these claims they are probably looking to be scammed. There is no quick fix pill, no magic food that will dissolve the fat from your stomach leaving you with a six pack and as for these ads, well to say they are misleading is much more than just an understatement. You’ve all seen the posts I’m talking about, a ‘before’ picture of an over weight girl and an ‘after’ picture of a very slim, toned girl, usually with an obvious boob job, radioactive fake tan and an obscured view of their face in an effort to hide the fact that its a completely different person! Photoshop may be good, but give us some credit we aren’t that stupid!  

Some of these fad diets may present real results but these results will be short lived. Weight loss may have become big business but the key to it never was a big secret. You need to eat less calories than you burn. Thats it, simple as. In fact, for those of you who gag at the thought of healthy food, hate being in the kitchen and have a notoriously sweet tooth, well the science is simple, it comes down to calories so realistically you can live on chocolate and cake and still loose weight so long as you keep your calorie intake down. You may not be healthy, because there are no vitamins and really no nutrition in chocolate and cake but you will loose weight, and besides its not as if the cabbage soup diet or the hollywood diet are putting you on the road to life long health benefits.

Obesity is a global epidemic, the only way to combat that is to change our views on food. Fad diets will never work long term because they put unrealistic expectations on the dieters. At the end of the day a little bit of what you like never hurt anyone, but we need to learn to not over indulge. It is amazing to me that in the midst of a global recession when everyones back is against the wall that some of the most thriving businesses are local take aways. Small portions of healthy food is the key to loosing weight, but our society seems to have become increasingly lazy when it comes to preparing and cooking their own food which is in direct conflict with the fact that cooking programs like Masterchef and food channels featuring celebrity chefs are some of the most popular on TV. It would seem that we have become of the mindset that if we watch people cooking beautiful, filling and healthy food, that our work is done and we can feel good about heading to the chippy. It has to be obvious to everyone that thats just not the case, its like the person who pays up their gym membership feels great about it and never goes but wonders why they aren’t getting fitter? 

Its self explanatory. To keep fat at a minimum and healthy food a priority we need to get off the sofa and into the kitchen. The only way to know exactly what your eating is to cook it yourself, that means no ready meals and no take outs. You may not loose 2 stone in 10 days but you never would have on one of those diets anyway! You will loose the weight slower but you will keep it off. And instead of the lethargic feelings associated with the likes of the baby food diet more vegetables and less saturated fat will mean that you will have more energy. We need to stop using the word diet and replace it with words like lifestyle and choice. We need to stop striving to loose weight and be skinny and instead strive to maintain a healthy weight and be healthy, be happy in the body you have been given and loose weight to improve your quality of life.

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