I Just Accepted A Liebster Award!!

Posted by Weddings Dresses Ideas

Its a week of awards here at weddingsdressesideas!! First two nominations in The Blog Awards Ireland and now this! The lovely Annie from Annie Leaf nominated me for a Liebster Award. I had never heard of it before and hadn’t a clue what it was so I did a little research... The word Liebster is german and means dearest, beloved or favorite... kinda sweet! Its a blogger to blogger award, its given to new up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. Blogging is about building a community and its a great way to connect with other bloggers and spread the word about other newer blogs. So naturally I decided to pay homage to this great award and spread the love of some other new blogs I enjoy reading! So here are the rules for accepting the award...

1.  You have to post 11 things about yourself. (theres 10 random facts about me in the About Me page on the blog so I’ll just do one more here for you)
2.  Answer the 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you and create 11 more for the people you choose to nominate.
3.  Choose 11 people to nominate and tag them in your post.
4.  Go to their page and let them know you’ve nominated them.
5.  No tag backs!

So here I go...

First of all the 11th random thing about me is that i have a notorious sweet tooth!

Annie’s questions to me were...

1.)  What are your hopes for your blog?
That people will enjoy reading it! I’d love to get more feedback and interact with the people who read it more.

2.)  What is your dream job?
Editor of Vogue US... isn’t Anna Wintour’s job everyone’s dream job?! That failing, which I’m sure it will I’d love to be a high-end buyer.

3.)  What is your all time favorite eyeshadow?
Thats easy... Urban Decay NAKED Basics.

4.)  What is your favorite high-end makeup that you would continue to repurchase?
Oh I haven’t used a high-end makeup in a while but i remember really liking Estee Lauder Double Wear Light. I’m dying to try Chanel VitaLumiere and MAC face and body.

5.)  What is your first high end makeup product?
My first high-end makeup product was a very long time ago but it was probably from Benefit or MAC.

6.)  What are your go-to shoes?
At the minute my Penneys white “cons”.

7.)  What is your favorite piece of clothing?
Probably one of my fur coats... don’t worry animal rights activists they are vintage so its more like recycling.

8.)  Fall or spring?
That I can’t answer. It seems when your in one season you crave the the next... fashionably speaking that is. Weather wise I like both, i love a good scorcher and a good snow day, I don’t even mind the rain so long as it doesn’t last all year!

9.)  Who are your favorite beauty gurus?
I’m guessing by guru you mean the Gok Wan’s of the world, well I love Gok Wan, I worship Anna Wintour and Patricia Field is a genius! We also have some great home grown talent here and Angela Scanlon is amazing, just look at the new Louis Vuitton campaign.

10.)  Who inspires you?
There are lots of people who inspire me, famous and not. I really look up to people who make what they want happen. Never take no for an answer, you can be who ever you want to be and do what ever you want to do, it just takes steely determination and lots of hard work.

11.)  Favorite store to shop in?
Zara. Definately.

And here are your questions.

1.)  Whats the best book you’ve read recently?
2.)  A pet peeve?
3.)  An embarrassing story?
4.)  What age were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus?
5.)  Something you’d love to learn how to do?
6.)  If mutants were real and you were in Charles Xaviers school what power would you want?
7.)  If you could take two people dead or alive to dinner who would they be?
8.)  What would you ask them?
9.)  Something that you learned recently?
10.)  Your favorite shop?
11.)  Main course or dessert? 

Please link me back when you post, I'd love to hear your answers!!

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