Sorry, But Your Face Doesn't Look Famous

Posted by Weddings Dresses Ideas

Celebrities as real people...

Any of you who have been reading the blog for a while now will have noticed that I don’t really delve into the world of celebrity, its not really my thing and I’d rather leave it to the experts (although i have been known to be found glued to a 4 hour Kardashathon!). However when I saw this trending all over twitter and facebook and every other facet of the interweb I had to jump on the bandwagon. 

Danny Evans an American photographer and photoshop artist from New York has produced “Planet Hiltron” a series of photoshopped photographs of some of the worlds most famous actors, musicians and of course reality TV stars as they might be stripped of their celebrity and reduced to average joes, 9 to 5er’s like ourselves. Some of them look like an outtake from a Jeremy Kyle show, that is fair to say but I think its a flash of genius. Evans has been condemned by several critics for uglifying some of the worlds most beloved and glamorous stars, this was never his intention. According to the artist himself his aim was simply to strip them of their glamorous lifestyle and give the world a glimpse of what they could possibly look like if fame and fortune hadn’t knocked on their door. We all know how much money, time and effort is spent on celebrities maintaining their svelte physique and trademark groomed good looks so what if like the rest of us they had no personal trainers, no nutritionists, no makeup artists, hairdressers or beauticians on hand to ensure not even a nose hair sits out of place. Well I’m guessing that that being the case Evans may have in some cases hit the nail right on the head, and seeing as we’ll never know its rather fun to speculate. 

I found it intriguing and extremely appropriate that in an effort to ‘ordinary-ize’ some of these celebrities he portrayed them as over weight and in some cases obese. It very aptly reflects the body shape of the average American with over half the population being over weight, thats 176 million people, and out of that 91 million being obese. The average dress size of a woman in america is a size 14 thats a UK size 20! I feel while pointing this out that I cannot ethically neglect to make you aware of the fact that Ireland currently has one of the highest over weight rates in Europe with 39% of adults being over weight and 18% being obese. In Ireland just like in America slightly more men than women are obese and also commonly in both countries there is a higher incident of obesity in the lower socio economic groups. Obesity has been declared as a ‘global epidemic’ by the Global Health Organization and I think that its one we should take very seriously. So therefore it is no surprise to me that Evans has projected that if these famous faces had never ‘made it’ that they would more than likely fall into that percentage of the population.

 I may understand and stand by his decision in this instance, however I cannot say the same about his decision to portray these celebrities in very dodgy 1980’s and early 90’s clothes and hairstyles, after all, regardless of their altered non celebrity appearance they are current celebrities and it would be more appropriate that they be sporting current attire. I don’t for one second buy into the fact that without her fame Miley Cyrus would be sporting a dodgy permed mullet or Angelina Jolie’s Sunday best would be a puffball floral prom dress... 

Aside from these sartorial discrepancies, i found the images very entertaining and highly enjoyable, mostly because I was trying to guess who they were supposed to be! I think I’ll leave the fun in it and leave you all with the same pleasure.... Feel free to comment below and let me know who you think they are, I’ve done my research and found out so if your stuck I can help! Enjoy!

All of the above images came from the facebook page dedicated to this series by Danny Evans, Planet Hiltron and its corresponding tumblr account.

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