Regular readers of Before the Big Day might have spotted my love of chalkboards at weddings. Whether you DIY with blackboard paint, or buy school-style boards for your menus {like I did}, I think they're a great way to communicate with your guests. So when I spotted these amazing chalkboard vinyl stickers by Charlie Chalk Designs, you can imagine my excitement. Super-cheap, and super-effective, they're a hugely creative way to decorate your jam-jar glasses or vases, and would make for great table numbers. My favourites? The Vespa labels. I had a silver Vespa when I met my husband, and we buzzed around town all summer. Happy memories!
{I want these!} 12 Vespa Motorcycle Chalkboard Labels, £4.58

{I want these!} 12 Curly Mustache Wedding Chalkboard Labels, £3.92
{I want these!} 25 Sets Love Bird Mason Jar Chalkboard Labels, £13.08
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{I want these!} 12 Vespa Motorcycle Chalkboard Labels, £4.58

{I want these!} 12 Curly Mustache Wedding Chalkboard Labels, £3.92
{I want these!} 25 Sets Love Bird Mason Jar Chalkboard Labels, £13.08
Love Before the Big Day? Never want to miss a post? Sign up for our free newsletter, for exclusive content and special offers! Before the Big Day - The Best UK Wedding Blog.