In A Land Not So Far Far Away...

Posted by Weddings Dresses Ideas

And nowhere near a beach...

In other news today Mother Nature has obviously taken note of yesterdays blog entry and is treating us to another day of sunshine and blue skies, perhaps she has overcome the aforementioned heart ache and maybe theres even a new man in her life... a spanish matador per chance... None the less although the sun is gracing us with its presence it is still warmer in doors than out and as i brave the milder elements of this Irish summer day i’m armed with a light knit sweater and ready for whatever mother nature might deem to surprise us with, namely, that distinct cold breeze thats chills your bones when the sun gets engulfed by a passing cloud. How and ever, although I’m not alone in my choice of spring time armour i seem to be observing more and more scantily clad ladies who are daring to bear at the first sign of a sun ray, theres an array of short shorts, short dresses, tank tops, string tops, crop tops barely there tops... I mean come on ladies I may be a cold blooded creature but its definately not that warm, we live in Ireland not Miami!! An act of bravery i ask or just plain stupidity, your guess is as good as mine but i predict a long line at the doctors office Monday morning...

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