Down on the Farm at the Pumpkin Patch. Through the Lens Series, Entry 35

Posted by Weddings Dresses Ideas

With the holidays just around the corner, I'm using all of my spare time taking lots of family photos for clients who are eager to get started on their Christmas cards.  I'm really enjoying doing these photos, but the issue is that I'm not able to post any of the photos to the blog or Facebook, because everyone would like it to be a surprise for their family and friends when they receive their cards.

This is giving me a little time to go back and have a look at some personal projects from the last couple of months that I haven't had time to post about.  I'm going to start with some photos from a recent trip we took to Osage Farms in New Castle, which is about an hour west of Vail.  Osage Farms has become very popular with our local farmer's markets in our area and being that it's an organic farm, they are now selling their veggies and herbs at Whole Foods.

Growing up, my brothers and I were lucky enough to spend plenty of time on plenty of farms.  For 3 city kids, we were constantly visiting friends and relatives that farmed cows, sheep, chickens and pigs to name a few.  I also come from a family of green thumbs.  We were always coming home from my Nana's with buckets of fejoas, plums, apples and kiwifruit.  Not to mention the vast veggie patches we've always had at the various houses I lived in, in Hamilton.  So, it was fun to take Maxwell and his buddies to Osage Farms to see the pumpkin patch and to learn about eggplants, sunflowers, melons, chickens and biggest basil plants I've ever seen (they were up to my arm pits!).

Obviously, this was fun for the Mums as well.  As you can see from the photos, the highlight of the day for the kids was clearly the wagon.

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