Wedding Photography: Incorporating Photos Into Wedding Decor

Posted by Weddings Dresses Ideas

Since both Joe and I have photography backgrounds, when our wedding came around, I wanted to make sure we included photography into our decor. There really is a lot that you can do with photography, and for this month's wedding photography segment, the lovely Carolyn Scott - the much talented Raleigh wedding photographer - shares some of her ideas for incorporating cameras and photographs into your wedding decor.

A huge thanks for Carolyn for sharing these ideas!

Incorporating Cameras and Photographs into your Wedding Décor
by Carolyn Scott

Photographs are very important in families and people looove to look at them… especially when they’re waiting on the bride and groom at the reception. ;) Have some time to kill? Entertain your guests with these camera and photograph ideas at your reception while they wait for you to make your big entrance!

1. The Polaroid Photo Guest Book: As your guests enter the reception, make sure they pass through the Polaroid photo guest book! In lieu of a traditional sign-your-name guest book, have a Polaroid camera, plenty of film, a blank scrapbook, several glue sticks, and a pen to create your own photographic guest book of everyone at the reception. Set up a small blank sheet and a table of these items. You can even include props! Each guest will take a portrait of another guest (or group of guests) before they take their seats. Once the picture is developed, the guests glue it into the portrait book and sign their name.

2. Family Portraits: Consider asking your family for family portraits to display at the wedding from generations long past. You can display them in frames on a table or on a display board. You can also hang them from a clothesline (or several)! Get creative. Label the names of the family members along with years and possible occupations. It will entertain your guests and give everyone a talking point at the reception.

3. Childhood Pictures: At a loss for how to number your tables? Consider numbering them by different years of your childhood, complete with your favorite picture of you and your sweetheart from back in the day! If there’s any age difference, make sure it starts with whatever year you were both alive. ☺ Guests will get a kick out of seeing your pictures from back then!

4. Photo Jars: Got a lot of empty glass jars lying around? Glass jars (with the labels peeled off using GooGone or another product) make fantastic wedding centerpieces complete with photos! You can roll up a photo then place it in a round glass jar to make an instant photo frame.

5. Jones Soda Photo Bottles: Jones Soda now offers personalized custom labels on their bottles! These make for awesome centerpieces as well as serve double duty as favors. Pick out your favorite flavors in your wedding colors or mix and match! Use your favorite photo of you and your sweetheart for the label.

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