Hiking in the Eagle Vail Snow with Precious Cargo. Through The Lens Series - Entry 2

Posted by Weddings Dresses Ideas

I've lived in Vail for 9 years now, which means I've been lucky enough to have 8 solid seasons of free time to go snowboarding whenever I felt like it.  What happens when you have your first child at the same time as two of your friends that you've spent plenty of time cruising around the mountain with?  Well, spending a day on the hill pretty much goes out the window, but you look for alternative solutions for getting out amongst the white stuff.

Vail is having a notoriously bad season this year.  There's no way for me to sugar coat that with a frilly euphamism.  CNN has sent out their resident meteorologist to report from Breckenridge for a whole week on the sad state of Colorado ski resorts this winter, which is terrible PR for us.  We did wake up to a little miracle last Saturday though - powder, gnar, champagne, huka - SNOW!

Here's how 3 new-mothers-former-snowboarders managed to get out there and enjoy it with a winter hike.  I love Maxwell and Emma's His and Hers snowsuits.  See if you can spot my puppy in there somewhere.

For the record, I realize I'm in this photo and these pics are supposed to be of other people, but I just loved Max's little face poking out in this one.

Click here to see more photography in Vail, Colorado.

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