Clean Out Your Closet The Vogue Way

Posted by Weddings Dresses Ideas

So its that time of year. You've gone a bit mad at the sales last month and all the gorgeous new season collections are hitting the shops, but, you have one big problem. Your wardrobe is practically exploding all over the room and there's no way you'll be able to fit in all the gorgeous new pieces you've spotted. The only solution is to edit down your wardrobe and donate the excess.

Since I am in the middle of doing the same I thralled the internet for some advice and thought I'd share the best bits with you. The last ones a life saver!

You do not need 30 striped T-shirts!

Be it striped tees, black polo necks or ripped jeans, I get it we all have our own personal style uniform but if you have more than 5 of the same thing its time to edit it down. 

One Vogue editor uses the One In - One Out strategy

Its simple but hard to stick with. Basically if you buy one new piece you have to get rid of one old piece.

So you've done the most of the work but your left with that pile that you just don't know what to do with! You keep making excuses as to why you need them and you need to keep them. Its time to get real. I have learned from experience, I have gotten over excited at the prospect of new clothes and have thrown out some quality pieces, one in particular sticks in my craw. Several years ago myself and my mam were cleaning out our wardrobes and I tossed a gorgeous Aran cardi that my mam had knitted a long time ago, I'll never get a piece like that back so now if its quality vintage, an investment piece or something that your mam has made for you or passed down to you I say keep it, store it, just don't throw it out!!

For all of your wardrobe detoxing dilemmas I found this amazing flow-chart on Vogue!! Its a real time saver so when you get stuck in the middle of your closet clean out use these guidelines and your bound to get it right!

Are you editing your closet? Let me know if you used any of these and if they helped!

Zee xx

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