How much time have you spent ogling over interesting tidbits and crafts on Pinterest? I know for myself, I always look at things on there and think 'I could totally do that and I'll definitely try it one day' only to forget about 5 minutes later as soon as something more important comes along like laundry or a screaming toddler.
Thankfully, my friend Kim found a kid-friendly Pinterest activity that only involved 2 ingredients. The 2 ingredients for Pudding Painting are pudding and food coloring. Other non-edible essentials include lots of space, old sheets, wet rags, paintbrushes and paper. Clothing is optional!
As any mother out there knows, children of a certain age tend to put everything in their mouths. This activity was designed to get them used to painting and holding onto a paintbrush. If they wanted to eat the paint, it was completely edible and slightly delicious.
Here are the results. Thank you Pinterest!
Step 1: Take any kind of vanilla pudding and a few bottles of food coloring. |
Step 2: Add a few drops of food coloring. A little goes a long way. We used 2 -3 drops per Snack Pack. |
Step 3: Give each child a spoon and a brush and place them over a large piece of paper. Don't forget a drop cloth! |
Tip: Ask your local newspaper for their leftover rolls of newsprint. They'll usually give them to you for free. |
The end result...not too much painting was done and there were certainly no masterpieces to hang. It sure makes for one cute mess though! Don't forget to have wet cloths ready to go for a quick clean up. |